Come and enjoy a relaxation, health and well-being experience.
Take a moment... find time to think, feel, contemplate and celebrate the things that make you feel alive.
Don’t wait any longer, don’t let life pass you by.

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Apr 29 2015

One Month With a Treadmill Desk Beats Sitting Still

by My Inner Space

The modern workspace would hardly have been recognizable 20 years ago: We’ve gone from hardwired phones to roaming telepresence robots, from static whiteboards to Internet-connected ones, and from sitting desks to workstations that let you walk in place — all...

Apr 29 2015

Changing the world and ourselves through compassion

by My Inner Space

There is a growing movement showing that developing kindness towards others can make us happier and healthier, writes Jill Stark Be kind and you will be well. It has been the cornerstone of Eastern philosophy for centuries. But what if...

Feb 25 2015

The Joy of Music: ‘Sound’ Therapy for Everyday Life

by My Inner Space

Written by Duane Shinn Is it time for music to sound forth and restore your sanity? Does the joy of music bring a simple joy to your everyday life? Maybe it's been a tough day at work and you need...