Come and enjoy a relaxation, health and well-being experience.
Take a moment... find time to think, feel, contemplate and celebrate the things that make you feel alive.
Don’t wait any longer, don’t let life pass you by.

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Sep 23 2015

Sweden experiments with six-hour workday, finds people enjoy having lives

by My Inner Space

by Stefan Sirucek Working eight hours a day and 40 hours a week is ingrained in us as the natural division and duration of a good, honest American work week. We take it for granted. And it’s nonsense. Much like...

Sep 22 2015

Mediterranean Diet Plus Olive Oil Associated with Reduced Breast Cancer Risk

by My Inner Space

By Miguel A. Martínez-González, M.D. JAMA Internal Medicine Eating a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil was associated with a relatively lower risk of breast cancer in a study of women in Spain, according to an article published...

Sep 18 2015

Why Crying A Lot Means You’re Mentally Tough

by My Inner Space

Did you know crying is actually good for you? According to neuroscientist and tear researcher Dr. William H. Frey II, PhD, “crying is not only a human response to sorrow and frustration, it’s a healthy one. Crying is a natural way...