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Nov 12 2015

Genetically engineered algae kills 90% of cancer cells without harming healthy ones

by My Inner Space

By Hannah Osborne Algae has been genetically engineered to kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells. The algae nanoparticles, created by scientists in Australia, were found to kill 90% of cancer cells in cultured human cells. The algae was also...

Nov 10 2015

New study shows mindfulness therapy can be as effective as antidepressants

by My Inner Space

Mindfulness has generated much excitement over recent years – and won many admirers, including the novelist Julie Myerson, writing above in The Guardian. A twenty-first century reworking of traditional Buddhist meditation, mindfulness teaches us to develop what Myerson calls a...

Nov 05 2015

Scientists Discovered Why High Intensity Interval Training Can Match Endurance Training

by My Inner Space

By Dean Smith Scientists have always struggled to understand exactly how short, few minutes, intense interval exercises can produce similar effects to much more time consuming endurance trainings. High intensity interval training, also known by its acronym HIIT, has become...

Nov 02 2015

Cut out carbs, not fat if you want to lose weight, Harvard study finds

by My Inner Space

By Laura Donnelly Cutting carbohydrates is far more effective than a low-fat diet in shedding the pounds, a major Harvard study has found. The analysis of 53 studies, involving 67,000 dieters found who cut back on fat were two and...

Oct 25 2015

History Of The Bath

by My Inner Space

Since the beginning of time, the art of bathing in water has been essential to one's good health and peace of mind. As early as the third century, bathing emporiums quickly became the fashion. The Greeks and Romans were the...