Come and enjoy a relaxation, health and well-being experience.
Take a moment... find time to think, feel, contemplate and celebrate the things that make you feel alive.
Don’t wait any longer, don’t let life pass you by.

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Dec 16 2015

Low-carb beats low-fat in a meta-analysis of 17 clinical trials.

by My Inner Space

In a new study published in the Journal PLOS ONE, a meta-analysis of seventeen randomized clinical trials provides insight into the relative benefits of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets in terms of weight lost, cholesterol and the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular...

Dec 14 2015

10 Reasons to Detox with Lemon Water and Cayenne Pepper Drink

by My Inner Space

A few years ago, the lemon and cayenne diet was hugely popular with celebrities as a weight-loss “detox.” The diet consisted of lemon water sweetened with honey and spiced with cayenne pepper. In order to detox, it was recommended that...

Dec 04 2015

How to Fight Seasonal Affective Disorder

by My Inner Space

By Anne Holub Cold dark days and colder darker nights bring on the "winter blues" or SAD (seasonal affective disorder) for an estimated 25 million Americans every year. While it's somewhat of a mystery, the condition is serious and manifests a...

Dec 03 2015

Ancient, Nature-Based Style of Dream Work

by My Inner Space

by Erin McElroy If you look at ancient and indigenous cultures across the globe, there are many things in common... including, but not limited to: collaborative communities, rituals and rites of passage, celebration and ceremony, art and storytelling, cooking over fire...

Nov 23 2015

4K TimeLapse in Finland

by My Inner Space