Come and enjoy a relaxation, health and well-being experience.
Take a moment... find time to think, feel, contemplate and celebrate the things that make you feel alive.
Don’t wait any longer, don’t let life pass you by.

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Mar 08 2017

University of Maryland Medical’s Overview of Massage

by My Inner Space

Overview What is massage? During massage, a therapist manipulates muscles and other soft tissues of the body to improve health and well being. Varieties of massage range from gentle stroking and kneading of muscles and other soft tissues to deeper...

Feb 24 2017

Sports massage therapist offers tips to better recognize and prevent common workout injuries

by My Inner Space

For many, the start of a new year means the start of a new workout regimen. It is difficult enough to make the time commitment, but nothing throws off a resolution like an injury. Martin Mufich, MSN, RN, sports massage...

Feb 14 2017

Science: How to Get into the “Flow” and Do What Makes You Happiest

by My Inner Space

by PAUL RATNER In psychology, “flow activities” are ones that would presumably make us the happiest. They are activities like sports or cooking that require more work on our part but are characterized by full immersion and focus. A new...

Feb 01 2017

by My Inner Space

The U.S. has a higher rate of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia than anywhere else in the world… Except for Finland...1 The tiny Scandinavian country has 54 deaths per 100,000 people per year from these brain-robbing diseases. And...