Come and enjoy a relaxation, health and well-being experience.
Take a moment... find time to think, feel, contemplate and celebrate the things that make you feel alive.
Don’t wait any longer, don’t let life pass you by.
If there were a scientifically proven, free way to improve your employees' performance and sense of well-being, wouldn't you do it? Enter: meditation. No, it is not hippy-dippy. It is not a fad. And it doesn't have to be reserved...
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey is perhaps the best book in self-development and personal-improvement. It focuses on seven habits that can improve your life and increase your productivity, and it has has been influencing leaders...
By Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. If you do some research into the Royal English Archives, you’ll come across an interesting little tidbit. It’s a recipe for “thieves’ oils.” So the story goes: In the 17th century, when all of Europe...