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All posts for February 2016

Feb 25 2016

Here’s How Meditation Reduces Inflammation And Prevents Disease

by My Inner Space

Science has shown that mindfulness meditation can have a positive impact on a huge range of health conditions, including cancer, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. The practice has even been found to slow HIV progression andprotect the brain from aging. Mindfulness seems to improve...

Feb 19 2016

Skinny People Rarely Diet

by My Inner Space

The researchers at the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab maintain a list of people who have done something fairly unusual in today’s world: They’ve been a healthy weight for their entire lives, never fluctuating more than five or 10...

Feb 08 2016

Banish Stress and Tone Your Whole Body With a Foam Roller

by My Inner Space

There’s a new buzzword in the fitness world: fascia. It’s the connective tissue that wraps around your muscles and organs and helps keep everything in place. And according to alignment expert Lauren Roxburgh, treating your fascia right is the key...