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All posts for May 2014

May 16 2014

You’re Not As Busy As You Say You Are

by My Inner Space

By Hanna Rosin Are you too busy? You should be, and you should let people know in a proud but exasperated tone. Like this, from an old colleague I recently asked for advice: “I would like to help but I...

May 16 2014


by My Inner Space

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May 16 2014

Scientists Sign Declaration That Animals Have Conscious Awareness; Just Like Humans

by My Inner Space

An international group of prominent scientists has signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which they are proclaiming their support for the idea that animals are conscious and aware to the degree that humans are — a list of animals...

May 16 2014

Our Year of No Sugar: One Family’s Grand Adventure

by My Inner Space

By Eve O. Schaub, Special to Everyday Health Once upon a time, I was healthy; at least I thought I was. Sure, I lacked enough energy to get me through the day, but with all the commercials on TV touting...

May 16 2014

America’s Workers: Stressed Out, Overwhelmed, Totally Exhausted

by My Inner Space

By: REBECCA J. ROSEN Perhaps the most poignant detail from Anne-Marie Slaughter's Atlantic cover story, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All," was also one of the smallest: an overworked mother of three who "organized her time so ruthlessly that...